Land Clearing | Houston Texas | Dallas Tomball Oklahoma Louisiana

Welcome to Whitehead Land Clearing

Land Clearing Houston Texas Dallas Tomball Oklahoma Louisiana

Land Clearing in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana is an ever growing need. We specialize in forestry-mulching, a method of land clearing in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana that is an environmentally friendly alternative to the problem of unsightly burn piles. There is little ground disturbance while enriching the soil with the remaining mulch.

With our method, there is no erosion, the mulch aids in the retention of the soil, and all material is left on the ground as mulch. While there is no need for costly debris haul-off and/or unsafe site burns, the end result is a cost saving, environmentally friendly process, which ultimately enhances the aesthetic appearance of the property. There will be no damage to the root systems; roots of desired trees are left untouched and unharmed.

Call Land Clearing Houston Texas Dallas Tomball Oklahoma Louisiana


  • Eliminates the high cost of hauling and disposing of debris
  • Eliminates unsightly burn piles
  • Eliminates erosion and run off problems associated with conventional land clearing methods
  • Increases property value / increases property marketability
  • Does not damage feeder roots of desired trees
  • Smart alternative to conventional land clearing
  • Usually no permits required
  • Easier for potential buyers to see land from road
  • Trees do not have to compete with underbrush for nutrients or water
  • Mulch helps retain water and builds up top soil
  • Buyer does not have to fight through underbrush and briars when walking the property
  • Provides compost effect for soil, thus enriching the soil and providing organic material

Three Main Services we offer:

Our company has up-to-date equipment and experience that makes us equipped to handle all sizes of jobs, from a small lot to hundreds of acres, residential or commercial.

Contact Whitehead Land Clearing at 832-338-7004 for all of your land clearing needs in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.